News from Mistra SafeChem
Here you find news from the programme.
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A research group ready to get their hands both dirty and wet
A problem in environmental analysis is that only a few hundred substances are routinely monitored in air, water, soil or human biofluids. One of the Mistra SafeChem research groups, led by Professor ...
2022-09-14The Mistra SafeChem Programme Symposium – practicalities and detailed agenda
The Mistra SafeChem Symposium on Green and Sustainable Chemistry is held September 26 at AstraZeneca in Mölndal, just south of Gothenburg. Now the registration is closed for participation on-site. B...
2022-06-23A desire to use knowledge to create a sustainable future
Curiosity about molecules, cells and enzymes, an inspiring chemistry teacher in high school and a desire to use this knowledge to create a sustainable future – that has led Richard Lihammar to the po...
2022-06-07Sustainable applications and solar energy conversion in focus for Mistra SafeChem research group
The development of materials and methods for sustainable applications and solar energy conversion is the focus of the research group led by Adam Slabon, now professor in inorganic chemistry at the Un...
2022-06-01The father of green chemistry keynote speaker at the Mistra SafeChem Programme Symposium
Professor Paul Anastas, known as The father of green chemistry, will be a keynote speaker at the Mistra SafeChem Programme Symposium, together with professor Lutz Ackermann, Göttingen, and Stewart Ow...
2022-05-25See all webinars about the work in Mistra SafeChem
Mistra SafeChem has arranged a series of breakfast webinars presenting the work packages in the programme. Now you can see recordings from all the five webinars.
2022-05-25New screening model for risk assessment of pesticides in grazing mammals
An article titled Screening of pesticide distributions in foods of animal origin: A matrix-based approach for biotransfer factor modeling of grazing mammals , written by the Mistra SafeChem researc...
2022-05-16New method for semi-automated harmonization and selection of chemical data
An article with the title Semi-automated harmonization and selection of chemical data for risk and impact assessment , written by the Mistra SafeChem researcher Peter Fantke together with Nicolò Au...