News from Mistra SafeChem
Here you find news from the programme.
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Ziye Zheng is developing a chemical hazard prediction tool tailored to Cytiva’s needs
Postdoc Ziye Zheng, working at the Mistra SafeChem partner Cytiva, is developing a toxicity prediction tool based on machine learning models. – This is a chemical hazard prediction tool that is tail...
2023-04-11Interesting webinars coming up on ProScale and new use of forestry residues
This spring, you are invited to two webinars of large interest. Although they are widely different in focus, both have a clear connection to research fields within Mistra SafeChem.
2023-04-06Meet the Mistra research programmes in Almedalen
Mistra, the financer of Mistra SafeChem, is organizing a seminar during the Almedalen week in Visby, on June 28. There you can listen to most of the Mistra-financed research programmes. All of you go...
2023-03-29Annual report for 2022 from Mistra SafeChem
The third annual report from Mistra SafeChem is completed. Now, halfway through the first stage of the programme, we can report much progress.
2023-02-17Belén Martín-Matute from Mistra SafeChem member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
The Mistra SafeChem scientist Belén Martin-Matute, a professor at Stockholm University, is elected new member of the Class for Chemistry of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.
2023-01-25A ProScale case study on indoor wall paint performed within Mistra SafeChem
A newly published brief report from Mistra SafeChem tells about a ProScale study on indoor wall paint. It is written by Josefin Neuwirth, Marie Gottfridsson, Tomas Rydberg, and Lisa Hallberg, all wor...
2023-01-12Half-time research achievements in a wide field from textile recycling to metal catalysis
Textile recycling, metal catalysis and the use of forestry residues are just three of the fields where progress reports have come from one of the work packages of Mistra SafeChem. The first midterm r...
2022-12-21A research exchange that contributes to finding greener alternatives
Elisabeth Söderberg, one of the research students of Mistra SafeChem, is currently performing a research exchange. At AstraZeneca, she can benefit from instruments, resources and expertise that make ...