News from Mistra SafeChem
Here you find news from the programme.
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See the full agenda for our final webinar
Are you interested in learning how to promote and enable a green and sustainable chemical industry that is safe for people and the environment? Welcome to the Mistra SafeChem final webinar on June ...
2024-05-15The Mistra SafeChem in silico toolbox presented at the SETAC conference
The novel trustworthy and user-friendly chemical hazard prediction toolbox, developed by Mistra SafeChem, was presented by Ziye Zheng, IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute, at the SETAC annua...
2024-04-03Four more years – Mistra SafeChem gets go-ahead for second phase
The work of Mistra SafeChem will continue for another four years. The financier Mistra has decided to support the research with up to SEK 70 million.
2024-03-28The 2023 Mistra SafeChem annual report focuses on more than just one year
The fourth annual report from Mistra SafeChem is completed. As the end of phase 1 of the programme approaches, the annual report is in part a summary of all four years of work.
2024-03-21SETAC conference on LCA will be held in Gothenburg
SETAC, Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, is organizing an LCA symposium in Gothenburg this autumn together with the Swedish Life Cycle Center.
2024-02-27Mistra SafeChem researchers keynote speakers at large conference on SSbD
The Safe and Sustainable by Design, SSbD24 Conference, has an impressive list of invited speakers. Mistra SafeChem is proud to have researchers represented therein.
2024-02-16The Mistra SafeChem cosmetics study specially invited to EU workshop on SSbD
The Mistra SafeChem case study on finding alternatives to siloxanes in cosmetics was one of the special invited studies to be presented at an EU workshop on the Safe and Sustainable by Design framewo...
2024-02-12ProScaleE – a tool under development focusing on environmental effects
Thanks to an interview study, another step has been taken towards a tool for a life cycle assessment scoring system focusing on environmental effects. At a webinar in May, you can learn more about ...